Freebie Fridays - Word Scramble
This game is called Word Scramble. This is sort of like a code or cipher. Where your job is to fill in the blanks. Using the scrambled...

Freebie Fridays - Fill-in (Numbers)
This game is called Fill-in. This is an easier version of Crossword. In this puzzle it is all numbers. However, sometimes the numbers...

Freebie Fridays - Battleship
This game is called Battleship. It is a single person version of the classic game. There are ten ships in this game. One with four parts,...

Freebie Fridays - Minesweeper
This game is a pen and paper take on the classic Minesweeper. Just like the computer version you need to find all the bombs and make the...

Freebie Fridays - Logic Puzzle
This game is a Logic Puzzle. You need to read the clues and use what you know to figure out the correct answers. The grid is there to...

Freebie Fridays - Sudoku
This game is called Sudoku. In case anyone doesn't know about or how to play Sudoku, it is very simple. It takes 9 boxes of 9 boxes and...

Freebie Fridays - Battleship
This game is called Battleship. It is a single person version of the classic game. There are ten ships in this game. One with four parts,...