Freebie Fridays - Fill-in (Numbers)
This game is called Fill-in. This is an easier version of Crossword. In this puzzle it is all numbers. However, sometimes the numbers...

Tips, Tricks, and Tutorial Thursday - Cheese Platters
For today's Tips, Tricks and Tutorial Thursday comes from social media again.(Most-likely Facebook.) This is how to make the perfect...

Wednesday Review - Angels and Demons (Book Review)
Many people don't know (because the movies didn't follow the books) that Angels and Demons by Dan Brown was the first book to feature...

Nerd Love Week 6 (Row 51 - 60)
This week we will start and finish the AROUND THE WORLD section. Still staying with the background colour and the lettering colour. (We...

Mario Monday! - Fire Flower (End of the Month Bonus!)
In May we talked about all the different styles of Mario and Luigi there are through out the game. Now we are going to look at some of...

Sunday Cooking - Meat Macaroni
Meat Macaroni seems like a college kids meal cheap and simple to make. But you not need to be a college student to love this dish. It is...

Character Creation - Part 5
This week is the last week of our Character Creation series. Today we are going to talk about the last two pages that come in the set to...

Freebie Friday - Cinnamon Buns
For today's Freebie Friday we are sharing a recipe for Cinnamon Rolls! This is from the Home Baker's Illustrated Guide and was found on...

Tips, Tricks, and Tutorial Thursday - Hemingwayapp.com
For today's Tips, Tricks and Tutorial Thursday comes from social media again, but is from DidYouKnowBlog.Com. It highlights what...

Wednesday Review - Plastic Needles
When I started creating graphgans I didn't realize just how many ends or tails you have to sew in when you are done! (Yes, I wait until...