Freebie Friday - Enemy Graph - Ninji
Today we are sharing the first Enemy graph of this month! This is Ninji! You see him mostly in the underground levels and in fact, you...

Freebie Friday - Character Graph
Today we are sharing another item graph! This week it is Luigi! And this time he is holding the bomb. Again if you are crocheting...

Freebie Friday - Post (Obstacle)
Today we are sharing the "bonus graph" for the first blanket. Last week we shared the 20 x 35 graph for blanket one using that layout....

Freebie Friday - Hawkmouth
Today we are sharing Hawkmouth! Anyone who has ever played or even seen Super Mario Bros. 2 will recognize this graph. He is the gateway...

Freebie Friday - Enemy Graphs - Beezo
Today is graph number two of our Enemy graphs! Today we are sharing Beezo! Be is a bee, and you will see him flying around usually...

Freebie Friday - Enemy Graphs - Tweeter
We decided to start trying to spread out these graphs and avoid sharing too many of the same kind all at once. This month we are sharing...

Character Graphs - Small - Luigi
Today we are sharing the second graph for this month. Again another will be shared next month and the final one the month after that....

Character Graphs - Small Versions - Mario
Today we are sharing the Small Mario Graph. We have been sharing a lot of Mario Crochet A Long graphs on Freebie Fridays, so we wanted to...

Pick a Path - Crochet Along Options (Ultimate Crochet Along)
If you are making the Ultimate Crochet Along with us, you should have a few scarves by now, three blankets, and at least two pillowcases!...

Freebie Friday - 1 up Mushroom
Today we are sharing a graph that will look familiar! This is the 1 up Mushroom from the game. We have a much larger version in our quick...