Super Mario (Bros) 3 - Mario Mondays
Sticking on the theme of Super Mario 3. We will be having Super Mario Mondays! This means every Monday, we will have a blog post involving a CROCHET graph having to do with Super Mario 3.
These graphs will be C2C graphs (Corner to Corner) that range in size from 20 x 20 to 40 x 40. You can assemble the finished product however you want. This post will give you some options to choose from. Keep in mind not all graphs are the same size so you may have to play around with your lay out to get the perfect blanket (or pillowcase).
Above is layout one. This picture illustrates four 20 x 20 squares being used (the Red corners), four 20 x 40 graphs (the black section) and the 40 x 40 square center (green).
1) Center Square: At this time we only have Bowser, Mario and Luigi in 40 x 40.
2) Border Squares: At this time we only have Mario, Luigi, and the Plants in 20 x 40
3) We have many 20 x 20 graphs to choose from. We recommend you pick one or two but you can pick up to four.
Above is layout two. This picture illustrates twelve 20 x 20 squares (the colourful border) being used around the center square (yellow section). The center square representing a 40 x 40 square.
1) Center Square: At this time we only have Bowser, Mario and Luigi in 40 x 40
2) WE have many 20 x 20 graphs to choose from.
Now we also offer you different options for the center square of BOTH examples.
Option one: The 40 x 40 square - This would be the same as the examples, one graph in the middle.
Option two: Dividing the 40 x 40 square into two graphs. This would give you two 20 x 40 graphs (see Layout planning for the first layout #3).
Option three: Dividing the 40 x 40 square into four graphs. This would give you an extra four 20 x 20 graphs.
You can post progress and square by square there. We will release the next graph in this blog, on our event page and on our Facebook page!Follow us on facebook we will have the event created.