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Sunday Cooking - Chicken Tacos

This is one of our BOGO meals! BOGO usually means Buy One Get One, in this cause if you have all the ingredients for one dish we will show you how you can make two dishes out of them!

What you will need for this recipe is:

Chicken (We used Rotisserie Chicken but any left over chicken will do)

1 Jar of Salsa

Cheese (We used a Tex Mex Blend)

Taco Shells


Sour Cream


Green Onions


Step One:

To start you want to take apart your chicken. We had a rotisserie chicken so we took out the bones and removed the skin. Then we shredded the chicken with our hands (with a fork works fine also). We mixed both white and dark meat together, if you prefer one over the other by all means use what you prefer.

Once you have the chicken shredded you want to add salsa to it. The amount of salsa you add depends on how much chicken you have. Example if you are using a whole rotisserie chicken you will have to use more salsa (about one 400ml jar), if you are just using left overs you will want to slowly add salsa as you go. You DO NOT want the chicken swimming in salsa. You just want to add moister to the chicken.

In a casserole baking dish, line your taco shells. Try to get as many in as you can, so they stand up by themselves. Fill your tacos with the chicken mixture, top with cheese and bake for as long as your taco shells need. (Usually 4-6 minutes.)

We serve them plain, with bowls of other toppings so everyone can make their own. Of you can top them before serving. Feel free to add whatever you like or would usually use on tacos!


Here is recipe number two! This is how we make Chicken Taco Salads. This can be a Left Over Make Over Recipe for the one above, but you can easily make it with the same ingredients as above.

Step one:

Again, step one is preparing the chicken. Same way as above, you want to remove all the bones and the skin and shred the meat. Add the salsa.

This time you will bake the taco shells like you normally would (or you can use tortilla chips). While your shells are baking you can prepare your salad.

Just like a regular salad you want to chop and wash your lettuce (or wash and chop), clean and chop your tomatoes, onions, whatever you want to add to your salad.

Once the taco shells have come out of the oven and are cool enough to handle. You'll crush them right into your salad. Add your chicken mixture, your cheese and mix.

How you dress your salad is up to you, adding more salsa is a good option, adding sour cream is very popular too, guacamole is a great option also. Or all of the above is even better! If you want more flavour to your salad we recommend adding taco seasoning to sour cream and using that (one container of sour cream plus one packet of taco seasoning). You can mix it all together or just leave it on top to dip in.

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