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Gettings Started with Dungeons and Dragons

The first step in getting started with Dungeons and Dragons is getting all the supplies you need. We recommend started off with a DnD Starter Set and the Player's Handbook. (We recommend starting with the 5th Edition, you can start with any edition you want as long as the people you play with are all on the same page.) Once you have these two starting points, you can start making your characters!

Creating your own DnD character can be very intimidating at first but that is something that gets easier with time. In the starter set, they give you five good examples you can play with to get a feel for the game. It also shows you good examples on how to fill out your own character sheet.

In the starter set there is also a basic character sheet to help you create your own character. This is just a basic one that gives you most of the things you need to know to play the game. You can also print off copies off the internet so you can create multiple characters. There is a great Youtube video (here) that helps explain how to fill out these sheets and it also gives links your a zip file with Character sheets you can fill in yourself and print off.

You do not need the Player's Handbook but it is very useful to have on hand. Most information you can find on the internet but it makes for a good read and it is all in one place. It is also a great reference book to go to when you're not sure of something.

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