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Nerd Love Week 8 (Row 71 - 80)

This week we will be doing most of the heart. Still staying with the background colour and the heart colour.. (We chose blue for the background and red for the heart, you can pick whichever colour you want).

Row 71: Blue 86, Red 6, Blue 2, Red 6, Blue 68

Row 72: Blue 67, Red 16, Blue 67

Row 73: Blue 66, Red 18, Blue 66

Row 74: Blue 66, Red 18, Blue 66

Row 75: Blue 66, Red 18, Blue 66

Row 76: Blue 66, Red 18, Blue 66

Row 77: Blue 66, Red 18, Blue 66

Row 78: Blue 66, Red 18, Blue 66

Row 79: Blue 66, Red 18, Blue 66

Row 80: Blue 67, Red 16, Blue 67

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