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Recommendation Wednesday - J.R Ward

Today, we are talking about J.R Ward. J.R Ward has given vampires a whole new life. Going back to the vampires of Anne Rice's time, Ward's vampires are kick-ass and far from the sparkly kind. Ward is best known for her series of vampire books called The Black Dagger Brotherhood, which has become so popular that she is now working on a series of books called The Black Dagger Legacy, involving other vampires of the same world as the Brotherhood and the newly training recruits to the war against the Lessening Society. Though The Black Dagger Series is what Ward is known for she also has two other series in the works; the Fallen Angel Series following Jim Heron on his road to redemption; and Bourbon Kings following the Bradford family. Ward also writes under her maiden name Jessica Bird and has four stand-alone novels, two other series and a few collaborations under that name.

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