Freebie Friday - How to Adding Tassels
Often time with knitted or crocheted projects you will see tassels on the start and end of a project. These are optional of course but they add a nice look to the project, depending on what it is for. We are re-sharing this post from last year so that you can add tassels to your Rainbow Blanket (from our latest CAL) if you'd like! The original example I used was a baby blanket but the process is basically the same no matter what type of project you are adding them to. I wait until the project is done to add tassels but you can add the first set whenever you'd like (for granny squares you have to wait until the end). The first thing you will want to know is how many tassels you are working with. In the case of the Rainbow blanket you will have to count the spaces between the stitches for the number of Stitches.
This example is for single tassels but the spaces between are so large that you could add three tassels to the spaces (to add every colour to the space). I divided each section into two colours and added white. So to start I used Red and Orange plus white, next I used Yellow and Green plus white, and finally I did the Blue and Indigo together as one, the purple and the white. I alternated them in sets of three.
Once you have all your yarn cut and you have started your project at least a little bit (I would suggest 10 rows in if you want to finish the bottom before you are finished the project), then you need to find the stitches you are going into.
To start I put my crochet hook into the space. Once you have your hook in, take 2 (or 3 depending what design you're doing) and line up the end. Fold them in half around your finger to create an arch. Once you have this you want to take your hook and pick up these pieces right in the middle, where the arch is. Once you have that you want to hold the pieces tight and pull the hook through the loop, but not too far. You want to have a loop on your hook and the end pieces still on the other side.
Now you will want to loop your hook around the end pieces and pull it through the loop on the hook. If you don't pull through all the pieces, it is fine just go back through the loop and pull what you need to. Since this is not a knot you can easily undo it and try again. Keep in mind you should have four ends when you are done. If you don't you miss a piece go back and try pulling it through also.
When you are done you will have some tassels longer than the others, it is up to you whether to trim them all to the same size or leave them unique.