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HelloFresh Sub Box - Cajun-Spiced Chicken Burger with DIY Dill Mayo (3/3)

On December 6th, 2019 I made this recipe, finally. I had to buy the Chicken for this because I threw out the one that came with it. I did complain to HelloFresh about it and really didn't get a reply. So I just used Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast. I must admit one thing before continuing. They sent a spice chart and I did not read it. So I did not put as much spice as I probably should have. That is one of the great things is you can season to your liking. Unfortunately, I thought I had put a lot and really I had not.

The sandwich was delicious. As I said I didn't put enough spice so it didn't taste much like Cajun, which is completely my fault, but it was delicious. The buns were actually the same ones they sent for the hamburger. I wonder if that is just their go-to bun. They sent Tomatoes to add to it and Greens, along with their Dill Mayo. The Dill Mayo was nothing fancy, just chopped up Dill in some Mayonnaise, but it was good. The Picky Eater (PE) I live with doesn't like Greens so there was even more than intended for a Salad.

I really wasn't impressed with this salad. First of all, it was just Greens and Tomatoes, a little boring. And the salad dressing they had me make wasn't that great in my opinion. Which maybe my karma. All along, I have been saying, "I would prefer honey instead of always being asked to add sugar." Well, this time they listened, but I really didn't like the vinegar they sent. I found the Red Wine Vinegar was too strong, especially for such a plain salad.

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