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A. L. Keegan

Now for me. I am just a small town girl that grew up trying all kinds of different art forms. I loved writing in school and wrote short stories often in class and just loved it. I started writing my first novel when I was in the sixth grade. It was really a great way to help me deal with my Anxiety that would ultimately play a huge part in my life. In fact Anxiety is the reason I started this business in the first place. Anxiety is hard to navigate and it doesn't have a schedule. It makes working a traditional job almost impossible for me. So this website was my chance at having a normal job and trying to be successful and make money. That is why I started this and try to make it the best it can be, not only for me but to help better my life, my friend's lives and maybe even my family's lives also.

Writing books is hard work! And though I have started this book over ten years ago. I am still putting the finishing touches on it! As I have grown my writing style and my books have too. Thankfully, we are in the editing phase right now and hope to be publishing soon! But on top of all that I am taking a day each week for writers!

This year each Sunday is going to dedicated to writing. I am going to provided a prompt either from a website, from a program or just one I created and I am going to share the short piece I wrote for it. Please feel free to take this challenge up! You can share your writing with us in our Creative Arts Group, or on my personal page!

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