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Curry Powder

Today we are starting super simple. Today we are talking about Curry Powder. You can buy it at the store of course or use a simple recipe you find online. Most Curry Powder recipes include Cardamom (25%), Coriander (25%), Cumin (17%), Turmeric (8.5%), Dried Mustard (8.5%), and Ground Ginger (4%). If you do create your own you can also play around with the spice level. You can use Cayenne Powder for spicy (8%), or you can substitute it with Smoked Paprika or just regular Paprika even with some Black Pepper (at about a 9% ratio if mixing) .

The following recipe is a suggestion and should be used as a guideline and not an exact recipe.

2 TBSP Cardamom

2 TBSP Ground Coriander

1 1/2 TBSP Cumin

2 TSP Dried Mustard

2 TSP Turmeric

1 TSP Ground Ginger

2 TSP of Cayenne Powder (Spicy)


1 1/2 TSP Paprika (Regular or Smoked)

1/2 TSP Black Pepper


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