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Writer's Block Challenge #1

Writer's Block, an author's worse nightmare. And yet all writers go through it, it is inevitable. The challenge is to work through it, to try and get past whatever wall that has come between your creative ideas. At the end of each month we are going to be posting a "Writer's Block Challenge" these challenges are going to be simple little things to hopefully help get you over the hump of Writer's Block.

Today's challenge is simple, edit. Everyone has to edit their writing, no matter if you are a poet, you write short stories, or long novels. Everyone has to edit, and chances are, you hate doing it. Well today is the day. Get comfortable and edit away, even if it is only one page, just get it done. And hopefully as you re-read your work, your imagination is triggers to write.

NOTE: Since everyone will experience Writer's Block at different times, it is okay to save this for another time, when writer's block is effecting you more. There will always be plenty of opportunities to catch up later.

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