Writing Challenge - Character Development #2
Today we are looking at characters and their timelines. Again this process will vary from writer to writer. Personally, I enjoy keeping track of my characters, it helps for even the simplest of details. For example, when did your character graduate High School, well for this knowing their birthday is very important. Also, it helps you make your story more believable. For example, if you say your Doctor character graduated high school in the year 2000, then there is no way he was practicing medicine in 2004. It helps you figure out the little details and the big ones too. Personally I treat all my characters like real people, I create family tries and I try to add as much information as I can to make my job easier.
So today, I create an obituary! Yes, that is a little morbid, but he was a fake person so. . . you know. But you don't have to make an obituary, it can simply be any story that would have made it to the paper. Maybe it is a wedding announcement or a school graduation, anything like that would be great!
This obituary is for a character in my Murder Mystery Project and holds a few clues to the mystery!

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