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Writer's Block Challenge #2

Today we are back with another Writer's Block Challenge. As we said last month, these challenges don't have to be done as they are released. If you aren't having writer's block more power to you! Save it for a rainy day. These are just fun little activities to keep the creative juices flowing. And they don't have to be long or even lead to anything. Sometimes the best medicine for writer's block is to just keep writing.

So today's challenge is simple. Take an idea that you have had floating around for a while and write about it. Just get it out there, get it down on paper. Even if it is just a few sentences. It is a starting point. And maybe you will come back to it later, and maybe you won't but it gives you something to think about.

Personally, I did this and I will share a little of my experience with you. (Not too much, don't want to spoil anything.) But it started with an idea about a serial killer that had never been caught. I believe on of the most unfair things in life is that it isn't like a movie. Bad guys don't always get caught, and they don't always admit to their crimes. Which kind of sucks. And I want to take that idea and run with it.

I don't really know much about this idea. And in fact I have never written an all out crime drama before, or anything to do with a serial killer. Unless you consider the Crime Romance Novels I am currently working on, but even those are different to this. This would be something completely out of my comfort zone. But I have an idea in my head and I need to explore it.

I know the Prologue is going to be of a murder. I think I am just going to show a killer on the loose (sometime in the past), and make it obvious that he wasn't caught. That is the key to this story. Chapter one is going to focus on an elderly man. He is writing a book and he is dying. I am going to make it clear that he knows his time is running out. Maybe even show him going to a few doctors appointments. I assume it is cancer that is slowly killing him. But anyways, the point is he is going to start by telling the story of his life. How he grew up in the city (I am thinking New York), how he joined the military and served in the war, and things like that. I know he was married but I am not sure if he had any children or not. If he did it would be one son.

All Rights Reserved by A.L. Keegan (2020)

I went on to write more for my exercise, but even this was good enough. Just as long as you get something out there and something to think about is a great start!

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