Month Long Special - Writing Challenge #5 (Part 1)
This month we are doing a Month Long Special Writing Challenge! Now I am doing this because the subject really grabbed my imagination. So I hope this month you can find the same type of thing! Something that inspires you to write a few installments. It doesn't have to be the start of a book or anything like that. But a little more than just a small post like our last few challenges have been.
To start this challenge, I went to Plot Generator and chose the "Story Ideas" option. IT generated 10 ideas for stories and I picked the one that spoke to me the most. They all seemed a little ridiculous if I am being honest, so you may have to take them with a grain of salt and tweak them to your liking, but that's fine!
Below is the option I picked. I don't think I am going to go quite down this route but it was a good starting point.

Milo Valentino was a very well respected lawyer in Edmonton. He had just been recruited to for the Assistant District Attorney’s office and he was well on his way up the ladder. In 3 to 5 years when D. A Hilton decided to retire, Milo would be in his late thirties and ready to take over. The law had been his life for over the last ten years and he was dedicated to being a judge one day. Maybe even the Supreme Court. Milo had all he ever wanted and more.
As he drove to the bar that night, he still couldn’t believe Natalie had agreed to marry him. They had been engaged for two weeks now, but still it seemed like a dream. Never in his wildest dreams did Milo believe he could have the career he loved, a beautiful woman on his arm and the amazing condo downtown with high ceilings and a breathtaking view. But it had all fallen into place for him.
He had worked hard in University and had passed the bar with flying colours. It had opened all kinds of doors for him. For a while he had worked in one of the biggest law firms in the city and when they decided to merge with an even bigger company, he had done amazingly well there too. But public service had always been what he wanted to do. A real life Batman, at least in his own mind. That’s all he wanted to be when he was younger, a superhero. And though his life wasn’t fist fights and flying capes, he still managed to put the bag guys away and that was a win in anyone’s book. But still, there was that one big fish out there; his Lex Luther, and he couldn’t rest until Samuel Santiago was behind bars.
All Rights Reserved by A.L. Keegan (2020)