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Month Long Special - Writing Challenge #5 (Part 2)

Today is part 2 of our Special Month Long Writing Challenge. Today we are continuing to work on the story we started last week. Again, you can use the prompt I used or you may had decided to pick one of your own. Here is my prompt again (below). As I said I am making tweaks to it. This prompt was more funny and a little out there, so I cam making it more realistic which is more my style of writing.

Samuel Santiago was a Mexican drug lord in downtown Edmonton. He had started feeding kids drugs in the 80s and now he had graduated to guns and if the case was right, people. He was a really bad man, and if they ever had an FBI top ten list at least three people with the last name Santiago would be on it. Samuel had a brother named Jose and a son Sammie Junior. Both had joined the family business and were as ruthless as the kingpin himself.

Everyone in law enforcement including the D.A’s office knew they were responsible for more than half of the crime in Alberta, but they couldn’t prove it. Every time they got close, witnesses would go missing, evidence would magically disappear and their lawyers were always on the ball and ready to strike.

Unfortunately for the city of Edmonton, the Santiagos were untouchable. And it boiled Milo’s blood. As he untied the buttons on his dress shirt he poured himself a Scotch. He didn’t encourage crime, but Milo often wondered why no one had ever tried to take a shot at Samuel and his family. With all of the victims left in their wake, it was impressive, if you were impressed by that type of thing. Milo couldn’t believe he was even thinking about it, but they needed another mobster in town. Someone to keep the Santiagos in line and to cut them down if their ego ever got too big. Few had tried but, it had never even made a dent.

As he finished his Scotch in one big mouthful, he left the glass on the coffee table and went to change out of his suit. Late nights were starting to take their toll on him. As he undressed, he watched Natalie sleep. She looked so peaceful lying there on his satin black sheets in one of his University t-shirts. Another night she had gone to bed alone. It was starting to become a pattern. And though she always smiled to his face, and told him that his work was important and she understood, Milo knew she must be getting sick of it.

He had asked her to move in with him. He had asked her to leave her college apartment behind, to take what was important and move it into his place, his penthouse. Milo couldn’t help but wonder if they had both known this was the life they were going to live, if they would have actually done it at all. Milo slipped under the covers and kissed his fiancee on the hair. She didn’t wake but still she sensed that he was there, she turned over and cuddled up to him and went back to sleep.

As she slept, Milo stared up at the ceiling thinking about his life. He was lucky there was no doubt about that. But something had to give. A woman could only be ignored for so long and the law was an unforgiving mistress.

All Rights Reserved by A.L. Keegan (2020)

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