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Writer's Block Challenge #4

Today's challenge is to get inspired. Inspiration can come from anywhere. Maybe something happens in real life that sparks an idea, or a plot in a TV show doesn't go the way you thought it should. Inspiration is everywhere. Personally, I get a lot of my inspiration from music. Some lyrics really speak to you and just tell a story that you either want to know more about or expand upon. The same goes for TV shows sometimes too. It is okay to take inspiration where ever you can get it. And as long as you aren't actively stealing someone elses idea, you should be fine.

I watch a lot of crime drama shows myself. Some of my favourits are/were Criminal Minds, Blindspot, Numbers, shows like that. And they all inspired me to try and write more crime dramas. And though I had been playing around with the idea for a while, nothing ever came of it. Until I was watching TV one day, just relaxing and an episode of Billions got me thinking. So that is the challenge today, go out and relax and try to find inspiration around you.

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