Mario Monday - Character Graphs (Week 11)
Today we are changing things up a little. This month we are going to be releasing one graph of each character. They are all going to be holding some item found in the game. Each week (this month), is going to be a different item and character but we do have a graph of all the characters holding each item.
We want this Crochet Along (CAL) to be fun for everyone, so we will only share these four graphs for Mario Monday, but this month we will share four OTHER graphs as a Freebie Friday! If you are taking on all the crochet graphs for this CAL, you should crochet those also! If you are just picking and choosing the ones you want, feel free to browse and save the free ones if you like them.
Note that you will need additional colours this month (Black, Blue - different shade than the normal blue, red -darker than the regular red, almost burgundy). These graphs are a little larger but they will work out in another layout that we will share in the end. For now you can also used them to make scarves or you can use to follow layout 1 or 2 using these slightly larger graphs.
Today's graph is Mario holding what looks like a Potion. This potion turns into a door and sort of teleports the character to another reality where they can find mushrooms and coins!
This graph is 20 x 40 stitches and includes the following colours:
Red (Cherry)
Blue (Navy)
Skin Colour
Lighter Blue