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Writer's Block Challenge #4

Today we are taking a page out of the Boot Camp of Writing Prompts from Reader's Digest (you can get it free by subscribing to their website). And the first prompt they give you is to Break Up with Writer's Block. This is a great idea. It helps to get the creative juices flowing. And that's really how to break out of writer's block is to just keep going, keep pushing through.

To find all the details about this prompt you can go to their website and you can also download it via that page as well. Again keep in mind, just because these are from Reader's Digest doesn't mean that they have to be done a certain way or a certain length. You can make them as short or as long as you'd like and play around with them also. Mine (below) was very short and sweet and even though I didn't write much, it still felt great once I was done.

Dear Writer’s Block,

It’s not you, it’s me. We had some great times together, you trying to stop me from killing off some of my beloved characters, me procrastinating by doing anything but write. It was fun while it lasted but now I need to get back to editing and writing new books. My characters are waiting for me and I can’t let you stand in the way anymore. So this is goodbye. I know you will be back and maybe we can have some fun every now and then. But ultimately, I need to focus and you need to leave.

Sincerely yours,

A Future Author

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