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Writing Challenge - Month Long Special!! Writing Prompt (Week 20)

This week we are sharing day eleven of the Reader's Digest Writing Prompt Boot Camp challenge. This week the prompt was about having to take a shortcut through a labyrinth of dark city alleyways. There is more information here.

Carry jogged down the dark alleyway as best she could in her high heels. She was running late to a meeting and the last thing she needed was to give Mr. Onichen a reason to back out of this huge deal. Thankfully, she was a native of the city and she knew her way around the labyrinth of alleyways downtown. She cut through many grimy looking streets and said a little prayer in hopes that the smell wouldn’t stay on her clothing.

She was about half way to her destination when the hairs on her neck started to stand on end. She turned to look around but she saw nothing. Still she couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching her. Carry started walking faster now, she suddenly didn’t feel comfortable. She started making her way to the main road. She didn’t care if she was late anymore. Some things were more important than business.

As she walked down one of the last alleyways, suddenly a man stood in front of her. As if it mattered, Carry looked around to see where he could have possibly come from. He didn’t say anything and Carry couldn’t find her voice. He just stood there staring at her and slowly he moved towards her. He held his hand out, palm up and looked at her. Not really sure what this was all about, Carry thought she should be scared, but she wasn’t. She held her hand out the way he did and waited. He dropped a little white rock in her hand and then walked passed her on his way.

For a moment Carry stared at the peddle in her hand and wasn’t sure what to make of it. She gripped it in her palm and ran her fingers over it. It was soft and smooth, and it was cold to the touch. She really wasn’t sure what it was or what it meant. When she finally found her voice and her feet, she turned on the spot, but the man was gone.

Copyright: A.L Keegan (2020)

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