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Mystery Theme Challenge #5 (Part 2)

The second part of this challenge is finally here! Again, our theme was Mediterranean and this week we are exploring the African side of that. Again, a lot of counties border the Mediterranean Sea so the is no limit on which country you can pick.

To help inspire you though (and make things a little easier) we are sharing a Moroccan Spice Blend. Moroccan cuisine, though very similar to Arab cuisine and that of the Mediterranean is unique. In Morocco a lot of fruits and vegetables are grown along the coastline and are used in their cooking. Also, most meals are eating with breads and by hand.

Moroccan Blend

2 tsp of Ginger

2 tsp Nutmeg

2 tsp Salt

1 1/2 tsp Pepper

1 1/2 tsp Cardamom

1 tsp Cinnamon

1 tsp Turmeric


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