Cooking with Your Eyes - Green
As you can probably tell we aren't doing the colours of the rainbow in order, but we will do them all eventually! I wanted to start with Green because I feel like this is the easy one. You can do a nice salad, or a nice Pesto Pasta (with Spinach Pasta!), or a nice stirfry with broccoli, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, peppers and zucchini! The world is your oyster there are literally so many fruits and vegetables that are green it would be hard not to find something that works well together.
So for an easy challenge, make a nice green salad! For a medium challenge try to find spinach pasta that has beautiful green colour! And try making your own pesto! For a harder challenge be creative! Think outside of the box, don't mess around with food colouring think of how you can take natural colours and transform a dish.