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Mario Layouts - Blanket Five

This year has been a hectic year. And we had great intentions for our Mario crochet along we had plans for all kinds of blankets and different options to go with it! Unfortunately, this seemed to become very confusing! So what we have decided to do is to post the layouts we have create and simply give some helpful advice when we can. We are doing our absolute best to make sure you have different graphs and enough for every option! But now you have a little more freedom to plan them out and move them around.

Our best suggestion is to only make the items once all the crocheting is done. This way you can lay them all out and see exactly what goes where and what fits together nicely.

No matter which path you have chosen the basics of the blanket will look like this. Again you can choose the different sizes at the bottom. Also if you want a wider blanket we have two options for that also. Again this will change depending on what size you pick at the bottom. (If you go with the longer ones you will want to use a shorter one on the size and vice versa.)


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