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Mystery Box #3 (Medium)

For this month's Mystery Box Challenge, we are stepping it up a little. This month's ingredients are Pork Tenderloin, Bok Choy, and Edamame. While these ingredients aren't too difficult to work with, your average home cook may not be used to working with Bok Choy or even Edamame for that matter. So that is why we have given this a medium rating.

I would start with the Pork Tenderloin. I think a nice dry rub would be great on this.

1 tablespoon of Brown Sugar

1 teaspoon of Cumin

1 teaspoon of Curry

Salt and Pepper

I suggest these measurements for someone not used to these spices. It is a great starting point and shouldn't be too overpowering. If you are used to Cumin and Curry and know you enjoy the little kick it gives, feel free to play around with the measurements and add a little more to the brown sugar.

Bok Choy

Edamame *




I saved this recipe for the summer because I assumed it would be easier to find Bok Choy and Edamame (fresh). It was not. Even canned I couldn't find Edamame. So I settled for a "Stir Fry" in a can. Which was actually better than I ever thought it would be. This one included bean sprouts, carrots, mini corn on the cob, and edamame. So that is what I went with. If you can not find Edamame, it is a great challenge in creativity. Just note that these vegetables need seasoning (even in a can). You can use whatever stir fry seasoning your family is used to. I personally enjoy using a "Stir Fry Seasoning Mix", but Chinese Five Spice would work well also, or simply salt and pepper.

Soya Sauce

Chili Sauce

Hoisin Sauce or Teriyaki Sauce

I went with half a cup of Soya Sauce, two tablespoons of Sweet Chili Sauce, and one-fourth of a cup of Hoisin sauce. If you do not have Sweet Chili Sauce, I would suggest going with the Teriyaki for sweetness or adding a little brown sugar (or the rest of the meat rub if any is left and it hasn't been contaminated by the meat). Again, I went light on the Chili Sauce, because you can always add more later, but if you make it too spicy that is hard to calm back down (more Soya Sauce may help).


Crispy Onion



I like a little crunchy element on mine, but that is completely optional. If you don't have anything on hand it is delicious just on its own also.


Coconut Milk Rice

I made Coconut Milk Rice, but any rice will do. I found it added a nice creaminess (especially if you go heavy on the spices). But it definitely is not needed to complete the dish and can be quite a pain if not done correctly. I suggest choosing rice that can cook off the heat, and replacing whatever water is called for with Coconut Milk.



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