Review Wednesday - Hello Fresh - Week 26
Back again with more Hello Fresh, this is from the end of April - the beginning of May. Again we got five meals this week. We did a little better this week, we notice obviously that more people were using HelloFresh and things were selling out quickly so we planned ahead. Also around this time, they started encouraging us to order out more, support local restaurants. So we started doing that once a week, sometimes twice depending. We wanted to avoid the grocery store as much as possible.
This week we had Pastrami Spiced Beef Hash, Creamy Tarragon Chicken, Chimichurri Chicken Bowl, Garlicky Shrimp, and BBQ Pulled Pork Dinner.
The first day we had the Pastrami Spiced Beef Hash with Sweet Bell Peppers and Green Cabbage. My Picky Eater (PE) only ate the steak in this recipe, which isn't uncommon. So what I have started doing is putting the second portion in a Tupperwear and saving it. I also divide the meat so that both have all the elements. Even in doing that, I still had some leftovers, which is a very good sign.

I threw the leftovers into an omelette for lunch the next day! I enjoy doing this with leftover steak, leftover potatoes and most vegetables. They really add something to an omelette and it is hardier so a great brunch to get you through the day if you don't have time for breakfast and lunch.

Day two of HelloFresh, we had the Chimichurri Chicken Bowl with Fresh Salsa and Charred Veggies. Now one of the things these boxes are big on fresh herbs, and that isn't a bad thing. The only problem is I don't like Cilantro and it comes in a lot of boxes. So I didn't use it here for the Chimichurri or the salas which made the dish very bland and not that appatizing. It smelled very good though. So Maybe the Cilantro would have made a difference, I am not really sure.

Day three was the day I have been waiting for. I love seafood, especially shrimp but my PE doesn't like any kind of seafood at all. So I never buy it. And it can be very pricy to get good seafood. This was good it was Garlicky Shrimp with Roast Potatoes and Walnut Parsely Pesto. It reminded me of a salad I had before, the one with the walnuts, the pears and the potatoes. This one didn't have any fruits and it substituted the chicken to shrimp. And it was amazing with those changes too. The only thing I would have added was some lemon. I think that would have been nice just all around. But besides that, the best dish of the week.

So this one, I don't know what happened. For some reason I took a photo of the food before marking it but not after!! It doesn't matter though, we had BBQ Pulled Pork Dinner with Cheesy Bread and Creamy Kale and Apple Slaw. We decided to make the Pulled Pork into sandwiches. I really don't understand this dish and why they would deconstruct it like this, it feels so broken and not really one well thought out dish. But anyways it was very good, which was a little surprising from the state the pulled pork was in. It was already cooked, I just had to reheat it.

And finally, we had the Creamy Tarragon Chicken with Roasted Red Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts. I was concerned about this one. I had never smelled fresh Tarragon before, and to me it smelled like black Licorice. I don't like black licorice so I thought I might not like it. But I did it didn't taste like licorice at all. You will notice my sauce didn't come out like theirs did. Maybe that is user error or maybe their instructions weren't clean, I am not really sure. But it was still good enough though it didn't come together.
