Review Wednesday - HelloFresh (Week 20)
This week is week 20 and it is around the time that the pandemic was becoming an issue in Canada. Things had been cancelled and the travel ban suggestion was in place, and people had started going nuts. HelloFresh was a blessing this whole time, and they sent us a message assuring us that they are still fine and going to continue filling orders as best they could. That was a huge relief. And it really came in handy.
So this week we had Crispy Skinned Chicken Dinner, Search Chorizo Burger, and Pan-Seared Steak with Potato and Red Pepper Hash.

Alright, we started with the Pan-Seared Steak and Potato, Red Peper Hash. It was very good, we have had it before and enjoyed it. We tend to stick to the things we like. This one I really like because you just throw everything on a baking sheet and that's it, the oven does the rest. There was a pan sauce that came with this one, but my Picky Eater (PE) and I don't really care for it so I didn't bother making it.

The second meal we had was the Crispy Skinned Chicken Dinner. This one was awful. Not in taste really but just every element of it was bland. The coleslaw was bland, it needed some flavour, and I also had to add some of my own mayo to even make it somewhat normal. (As you can see below, even an added tablespoon of mayo the coleslaw wasn't overly dressed.)

The bread was such a headache. The buns were already cut down the length, and I was supposed to cut it down the width so the cheese could go in between each section. But with the bun already being cut, I couldn't cut it as deep as I wanted to and it started to fall apart. Also, there was not enough cheese. And finally, the gravy worked but it too had no flavour to it.

And finally, was the Spanish Chorizo Burger with Chimichurri, Feta Aioli and Sweet Potato Wedges. My Picky Eater (PE) doesn't eat Chorizo so they were both for me (I only managed one, so they were very filling). This one was the best of the week I think. I don't really have much to say and I didn't make any changes. Just note that the meat cooks a little dark that's perfectly normal.
