Review Wednesdays - HelloFresh - Week
This week again we had five HelloFresh meals but unfortunately, yet again one didn't get made. Also one didn't get photographed (not sure what happened there, but the photos were misplaced). This week we had Chicken and Pineapple Mini Quesadillas, Fresh Mozzarella Margherita Pizza, Game Day Chili, Pan-Seared Pork Chops, and Pan-Seared Steak.
First, Fresh Mozzarella Margherita Pizzas with Charred Corn and Shallots. This Pizza was pretty good, but there was no meat with it. I personally ate the charred corn and shallot mixture on my pizza, which was unique. While my Picky Eater (PE) had pepperoni and cheese. This is one of those things, that it is fun to try but you would never really need to. It is much easier to buy Na'ans and make it yourself (and cheaper too).

Next was the Chicken and Pineapple Mini Quesadillas with Green Bell Pepper and Lime Crema. I just had them as tacos because it seemed like a lot more work for nothing really. And they were good. But they were nothing special. Again probably something you could do for cheaper at home. (Side note: I don't like Pineapple with my meat so I didn't use it here.)

And last for the pictures, this is the Fan-Seared Steak with Potato and Sweet pepper Hash. The only thing I changed about this is the "pan-sauce". I always try to make it and it is very hit or miss. Sometimes it comes out well but most of the time I mess it up. So instead I made a Gravy. All I did was brown some flour and use the Beef Broth Concentrate. I also used the Montreal Steak Spice they sent and that gave it a little flavour (use sparingly).

Now for the meal I lost the photos for. That would be the Pan-Seared Pork Chop with Shallot Gravy, Broccoli and Buttery Mash. It was very good, But it was nothing special really. It was just a Pork Chop with vegetables. So really it wasn't worth the money you spend for it.
And finally the Game Day Chili. We didn't have this because the meat was rotten yet again. But we have had it before and it was good.