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Sashay Scarf Crocheting Technique #1

This is the first style I learned. It is very simple and it is a great way to get comfortable with the crochet hook. The key is to remember to always work away from yourself. This scarf starts the same way most sashay scarfs do (see my how-to post here).

This is the yarn I used. I used the whole ball, but this will depend on what style you plan on wearing your scarf in. I usually take the ends and wrap it around my neck and bring the ends back around.

Once you have the yarn folded you start by taking ten loops on the hook. Remember to always work away from yourself, bring the hook from the front (your side of the work) to the back.

Once you have ten loops on your hook, you want to pull the first loop through all of the other loops on your hook. I found a great trick is to remember what the colour of the loops left should be. This will help you figure out if you have pulled all the loops through and if you haven't at least you know which loops don't belong. (This is happens from time to time until you get used to pulling them through. Turning your hook downwards will help also.)

Another great tip is to bundle the loops together, pull down on them and then try to pull the first loop through, this should make it easier to pull through.

If you do let go of the wrong loop you will notice the yarn will get loose, either redo the row or continue. The yarn is very forgiving and it will still look fine in the end. Continue doing this, the video I watched called for adding 9 more loops (plus the one you already have would make ten), I added 10 more loops (plus the one I already have would make eleven). Either way, they should come out looking the same. My how-to post here will show you how to finish this scarf also.


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